Monday, 26 April 2010

Hello blog. I'm going to take this post as an opportunity to catch up on all the things I have forgotten to blog about in the past. Well hopefully everything. I'll see what I can remember.

Lets start with the last time I saw John we were told to start thinking about our portfolio's and our creative CV's. The portfolio side of things didn't worry me too much because I always think a portfolio is something which is quite easy to get right (I was wrong) but the CV worried me a bit. I either waffle on and make no sense or get all shy and become cryptic and awkward. 

I got home and started to think about ways to introduce myself to people I might want to work with or for or alongside. I like the idea of business cards but them, the idea of handing someone a formal business card mid way through a nice informal conversation seems a bit alien and strange to me. I wanted to make something little, more of a written gesture than a scary corporate looking business card.

I like the idea of having something quite relaxed and friendly because that echoes what I want my practice as a designer to be like. 

This isn't something I would ever hand out to a client or anyone really, It's much too vague and assuming. Also I know I like the sort of child like simplicity of things, but I think it sounds a little too babyish. The key is to figure something out which is a good compromise, something I will feel comfortable with and the person receiving my business card/cv will feel comfortable with. 

I like how straight forward it is, thats something I really want to keep, I want something short, sweet and straight to the point. I prefer business cards because they can deliver that.

This was a 'creative CV' I had roughly written out before Christmas. Looking at it now I hate it, admittedly it was only a rough draft but it just goes to show that something I liked five months ago I now feel horrified I ever created. Thats the thing with design, especially when designing for yourself and your own brand it needs to be something that stands the test of time. 

I know what the content of my CV needs to be but when it comes to creating and designing my own brand I feel a bit stuck.

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