Monday, 15 February 2010


Although this module has been difficult for me I still learnt a lot more than I thought I would. I think when it comes to software and learning new skills I find that incredibly daunting because even after attending all the workshops and making extensive notes, I still have trouble remembering what to do which becomes frustrating. I think the turning point for me came when I finally gave in and asked for help. After that, with what little time we had left of the module I felt confident enough to finish the idents and DVD to a standard that I'm suprisingly pleased with. So, new skills would definatley be learning my way around new software. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to after effects and I don't think I went for the most adverterous animations in the world but I am pleased with what I did make. 

My methods of research and gathering information are there, but I still haven't really learnt what to do with the information I gather. From the mountain of worksheets and design sheets and colour tests I'm never relly sure where to go with them from there. For a lot of this module (mainly the movie season brief) I found the easiest way of getting the information I needed and a bit of help was just talking to people and asking lots of questions. I was really positive the week I had my tutorial with Fred and after I started thinking about who could help with this brief so I looked up independent cinemas and the british film institue, after about an hour of staring at my phone and feeling nervous I finally plucked up the courage to dial and ask people about their experiences with film seasons and thrillers. I was suprised by how many people were glad to talk and didn't think of me as the time waster. But then when I put the phone down and had taken my notes, other than take on board what they had said and use it to influence my decisions within the brief I still didn't know what to do with it all. 

This brief has been a bit hot and cold when it comes to strengths, because I've learnt so much. Not just about graphics but other things, It's been a steep learning curve. I've hated it and loved it at times but if I were to pick out several things I have been particuarly strong on in this brief it would be difficult. The are far more negatives than positives in this module for me, which I'm frustrated by as it's completley my own decisions and actions that made it that way. However as I mentioned before, I really am pleased with my progress with software like after effcts and I know one day I'll have to get over myself and use it again so those skills are valuable, even if they are the basics. 

As for my downfalls, there is only one big problem I can identify which sort of covers all the smaller things within it. This brief was hard, for someone stubborn and ultimatley unwilling to learn. Luckily I realised soon after christmas that if i wanted to be a designer then I needed to change, and I felt really positive about that...until things got on top of me again. I'm not making excuses for myself, I'm really not. I know I've been terrible over this module. Half way through the module I had storyboards and after realising I had to make these pictures into something moving I got scared and pushed it to the back of my mind. Which I have learnt isn't and never will be the way to becoming a sucessful and happy designer. I thankfully had a bit of time to try and get myself back into it all with a week to go and to sort out and pick at all the problems I had with this module so I can move onto the next module without the same problems reoccuring. 

Obviously if I had to do five things differently they would include one big one; don't let things spiral and get out of hand. I've learnt my lesson now. 
-Ask for help. Being shy and too proud to recognise when you need help won't get me anywhere.
-Never get distracted.
- Work in the studio more. if I want to become a designer working in a team when I leave uni I need to get some practice in now. We have lots of people on this course I want to work alongside so I should start acting on that and preparing myself for the real world.
- Don't leave myself to my own devices. Hopefully working alongside other people in the course will teach me some self discipline when it comes to work. 

Attendance - 1
Punctuality - 1
Motivation - 2
Commitment -1
Quantity of work - 2
Quality of work - 2
Contribution to the group - 1

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